Comptes rendus de l’Acade'mie bulgare des Sciences, Vol 69, No11, pp.1493-1502

Simulation of Parallel Processes in Wastewater Treatment Plant Using Generalized Net Integrated Development Environment

Vania Georgieva, Nora Angelova, Olympia Roeva, Tania Pencheva


This paper presents the first generalized net (GN) model of a typical wastewater treatment plant (WTP) developed in Generalized Nets Integrated Development Environment (GN IDE). Based on real experimental data the developed GN model is further simulated in GN IDE. The implemented here simulation of WTP complex parallel processes allows real time monitoring of various significant parameters. Based on the tracking of main process parameters, such as water quantity, pH, COD, petrol, different mechanical admixtures, PO 4 P, NH 4 N, etc., some suggestions concerning the optimal running of the WTP process could be proposed. Presented results show the developed GN model efficiency, the benefits of performed parallel simulation of real experimental data and GN IDE effectiveness in such challenging tasks.

Key words: eneralized net, generalized nets integrated development environment, wastewater treatment process, modelling, simulation